Showing posts with label Telugu Lanjala Kadhalu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telugu Lanjala Kadhalu. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Teacher Dengindhi Nannu

THE SIX FORCES OF FOREX : Trading forex is like watching a school of fish move. One minute is total harmony, the next, complete chaos. As the observer of this school of fish, do you believe you can accurately predict the direction the school of fish will move each time? Would you bet on it? What causes the fish to move the way they do? Why do they work together in one moment, moving with force and precision, and move in what seems to be an infinite number of directions the next? There’s no way to know unless you can sense what the fish sense each time they move. The fish have an instinct about the nature of their environment. They understand the context of all things around them – natively – and can react accordingly. Surely if you shared this understanding you’d be a much more accurate predictor of fish movement!

Paleru Dengadu nannu

Forex Trading Analysis
• Who: The faces of forex that shape market action
• Why: Understand the nature of forex, and its inherent opportunity
• Where: Matching your objectives to the optimal dealer
• What: Choosing a trading vehicle based on your investment premise
• When: Time your trades for maximum efficiency
• How: Select a toolkit that actually improves your trading ability

Park Lo Lovers Dengudu Bommalu

The two most popular types of moving averages are the Simple Moving Average (SMA) and the Exponential Moving Average (EMA).A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is formed by computing the average (mean) price of a security over a specified number of periods. While it is possible to create moving averages from the Open, the High, and the Low data points, most moving averages are created using the closing price. For example: a 20-day simple moving average is calculated by adding the closing prices for the last 20 days and dividing the total by 20.In order to reduce the lag in Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), technicians often use Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs). EMAs reduce the lag by applying more weight to recent prices relative to older prices. The shorter the EMAs period is the more weight will be applied to the most recent price.

KuthaGula Bhuneswari Aunty Boothu Kadha

The most important Sessions on Forex are:
The Asian Session (7pm – 4am EST) – During this period, you can successfully day trade especially if you trade the yen. USD/JPY is a good choice if you plan to trade on this session. This period is not as volatile as the US session or the European session, but it’s possible to trade it and achieve a good performance;
The European Session (2am – 12pm EST) – This is one of the best periods to trade Forex. Since most of the dealing desks of large banks are located in London, the majority of major Forex transactions are completed during this session. During this period you can implement a successfully strategy on any currency pair.
The U.S. Session (8am – 5pm EST) – This is another great period to implement your forex strategies. Volatility is good, and you can expect good volatility on any currency pair.

Ammayee Kuthalo Gula

Best Hours to Trade Forex:Since the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, a trader can’t track every single movement on the market. It’s crucial for a trader to know when he can expect high volatility, so that he can implement his strategy on the most effective way. If you’re trading using daily charts, the best period to analyze Forex is around 5pm EST because that’s the rollover period.If you’re trading on shorter time frames, you must know when you can expect more volatility.

AnnaPurna Dengudu Leelalu

Automated Forex Trading:If you use a 100% mechanical system you can literally put your computer doing all the work for you. An automated Forex system searches for trades, and places trades on your broker. So, if you feel comfortable with this kind of system, you just need to leave your computer turned on 24 hours a day, and he’ll be trading for you.If you intend to use a 100% mechanical trading system to trade for you, you can develop one in a platform like MT4.MT4 is a great platform and allows you to build virtually any kind of trading system.